Summer Housing

LiveOn for summer!

Summer is a great time to enjoy our beautiful campus and become acclimated to the University!

Incoming First-Year Students

First-year students admitted for summer session will automatically accept both a summer and academic year Housing and Food Service (HFS) Contract when they accept the offer of admission to Penn State through the MyPennState page. No further action is required! Students will be assigned to a double-occupancy room in East Halls. Students participating in the LEAP program will be assigned with other LEAP members.

HFS Contracts can be viewed in eLiving (Contracts > Summary), and there will be separate HFS Contracts for summer session and the fall-spring academic year. This provides the student an opportunity indicate different roommate preferences if desired before the noon May 15 preference modification deadline. 

  • If a student changes their enrolled semester to summer AFTER accepting the offer of admission, please contact the Housing Assignment Office to request a summer HFS Contract.  

Only level 1 of the Campus Meal Plan is offered during the summer session. Any remaining dining dollars at the end of summer will carry over to fall semester. 

View summer session II housing and food charges.

Fall Semester Room Assignment

The majority of students will be assigned to a different room assignment for fall semester, which may be located in a different housing area. Housing Operations will provide students with a storage option at the end of summer session, details about the summer-to-fall storage process will be posted and shared in early August. 

Current Students

Step 1: Schedule summer courses in LionPATH

Current Penn State students who are interested in living on campus during summer must first schedule summer session classes through LionPATH, once the Registrar has announced summer course availability.

Students who are not able to leave campus for extenuating circumstances but are not scheduling summer classes may request on-campus housing, which will be approved on a case-by-case situation. The student must be living on campus for both the 2025 spring semester and the 2025-2026 academic year.

Step 2: Review housing option(s) and rates

Summer Session housing will be offered in Eastview Terrace, which offers single-occupancy rooms with an in-room private bathroom. 

Review summer housing and food rates; housing and food charges are based on the number of nights the student is living on campus and will be added to the student's LionPATH account for payment. 

Step 3: Submit a Summer/Break Housing Request through eLiving

Starting Monday, Mar. 17, current students can submit a Summer / Break Housing Request through eLiving and indicate the timeframe housing is needed. The actual HFS Contract begin and end dates may be adjusted to align with program requirements (for example, Summer Session I housing starts on Sunday, May 18 and ends Tuesday, Jul. 1).

Starting Monday, Mar. 24, summer HFS Contract offers will be released every Monday afternoon to students who have scheduled summer session classes. The HFS Contract offer will be sent to students' Penn State Access Account, and can be accepted in eLiving > Contracts > Summary before the indicated Deadline to Complete. 

Step 4: Check your Room Assignment

Summer room assignments will be posted in eLiving at noon approximately two (2) weeks before the session begins. 

  • Summer Session I: Tuesday, Apr. 29

  • Summer Session II: Monday, Jun. 9

Step 5: Move in & LiveOn

Visit the Arrival website to learn more about moving into your room, including the move-in schedule, check-in locations, and checklists to help you plan and get packed.

Campus Meal Plan

On-campus residents will have the benefit and convenience of the Campus Meal Plan Level 1 for summer.

The Campus Meal Plan is comprised of two cost components: base cost, which covers operational expenses, and dining dollars, which is the amount available on the student's account to use for purchases. There is one (1) level of spendable dining dollars offered for summer session. The Campus Meal Plan cost for summer is based on a nightly rate of $27.90 ($14.50 base cost and $13.40 dining dollars) which is multiplied by the number of nights for the specific summer session that a student is attending. 

Campus Meal Plan holders receive a discount on qualifying purchases at select operations:

  • 65 percent off summer cash prices at Redifer and Findlay Dining Commons
    Breakfast $3.05; Lunch $4.60; Dinner/Brunch $5.75

  • 65 percent off summer cash price on prepared items at food courts, such as Flipps, Pizza, Deli, etc.

  • 10 percent off summer cash price on prepared items at specialty fast casual operations in residential areas and specific HUB Dining options, such as Soup & Garden, Blue Burrito

  • Packaged and branded items are not eligible for any discount

Any remaining dining dollars in a student's account at the end of summer will be transferred to the student's active Campus Meal Plan account for fall semester. If a student does not have an active fall Campus Meal Plan, any remaining funds at the end of summer will expire. 

Food Service Options

Redifer Dining Commons will be open May 12 through June 28, then Findlay Dining Commons will be open June 29 through August 16. 

HUB Dining will be open during the entire summer. 

Anchor Destination

Summer Housing and Food Rates

Unlike the fall and spring semesters, summer offers a variety of session dates (Maymester, Summer Session I, Summer Session II, independent study, etc.) that overlap. Each student's need for housing may vary, but are usually within set parameters. To accommodate the different time periods in summer, housing and food rates for summer housing are shown as a daily rate which is then calculated by the number of days a student requires housing.

All charges for housing and food are sent to the student's LionPATH account for payment. 

2025 Summer Session II

Summer Session II: Sunday, Jun. 29 - Saturday, Aug. 16 (48 nights)

Housing Option Campus Meal Plan SESSION TOTAL

Double Room, Renovated


Base Cost
Dining Dollars



Eastview Terrace^


Base Cost
Dining Dollars



^available for upper-class students only

2025 Maymester

Maymester: Sunday, May 11 - Thursday, Jun. 12 (32 nights)

Housing Option Campus Meal Plan SESSION TOTAL

Eastview Terrace^


Base Cost
Dining Dollars



^available for upper-class students only

2025 Summer Session I

Summer Session I: Sunday, May 18 - Tuesday, Jul. 1 (44 nights)

Housing Option Campus Meal Plan SESSION TOTAL

Eastview Terrace^


Base Cost
Dining Dollars



^available for upper-class students only

2025 Maymester & Summer Session I

Maymester and Summer Session I: Sunday, May 11 - Tuesday, Jul. 1 (51 nights)

Housing Option Campus Meal Plan SESSION TOTAL

Eastview Terrace^


Base Cost
Dining Dollars



^available for upper-class students only

2025 Maymester, Summer Session I, and Summer Session II

Maymester, Summer Session I, and Summer Session II: Sunday, May 12 - Saturday, Aug. 16 (97 nights)

Housing Option Campus Meal Plan SESSION TOTAL

Eastview Terrace^


Base Cost
Dining Dollars



^available for upper-class students only

2025 Summer Session I and Summer Session II

Summer Session I and Summer Session II: Sunday, May 18 - Saturday, Aug. 16 (90 nights)

Housing Option Campus Meal Plan SESSION TOTAL

Eastview Terrace^


Base Cost
Dining Dollars



^available for upper-class students only

2025 Bridge Programs or Custom Stays

Students participating in Bridge programs (Millennium Scholars, Science Dean's Scholars, or Engineering Summer Program) or students who need a custom stay will be charged a daily housing and food rate, based on the total number of nights where they will be living in University Housing for their program. 

Housing Option Campus Meal Plan DAILY TOTAL

Double Room, Renovated Residence Hall


Base Cost
Dining Dollars
Daily Total



Eastview Terrace^


Base Cost
Dining Dollars
Daily Total



^available for upper-class students only