Sorority Chapter TCRs 2025-26
These Terms, Conditions, and Regulations (TCRs) apply to Sorority Chapters that reside in University Housing and pertain to sorority privileges and Housing and Food Service (HFS) Contract conditions. Sorority space is managed by the Housing Assignment Office with input from the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.
The University reserves the right to revise or amend the Terms, Conditions, and Regulations at any time without notice.
Each chapter's president, sorority assistant, treasurer, and chapter advisor should retain a copy of the Terms, Conditions, and Regulations for future reference, and transfer the information to replacements/successors.
In addition to these Terms, Conditions, and Regulations for the sorority chapter, all sorority members are expected to abide by the University Code of Conduct, and the Terms, Conditions, and Regulations (TCRs) of each individual sorority member's Housing and Food Service (HFS) Contract. Failure to comply with any of the Terms, Conditions, and Regulations will not relieve the sorority from the responsibilities contained herein.
The University encourages each sorority chapter to promote the on-campus living option to develop a community and sense of belonging on the floors and within each sorority chapter.
Occupancy Requirements:
Chapters who meet 70% or higher occupancy will be assigned to the same floor and have access to a dedicated suite. Independent students (not affiliated with sororities) will be assigned to any available space on the floor but will not have access to the suite.
Chapters who 12 or more members but less than 70% occupancy will be assigned to the same floor. Independent students (not affiliated with sororities) will be assigned to any available space on the floor. All students on the floor will have access to the suite, no chapter will have exclusive use to the suite. If a suite is not available on the floor, the first-floor suite and meeting room will be available.
Chapters who have less than 12 members do not meet the criteria to be assigned to sorority housing.
The location where a sorority will be assigned in University Housing will be determined after the Housing Assignment Office has analyzed the chapter rosters. The location where a sorority chapter is assigned is subject to change at the University's sole discretion.
A sorority must be recognized and approved by the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life and one of the following: the Panhellenic Council (PHC), the Multicultural Greek Council (MGC), or the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) to be eligible for consideration of reserved residence hall space and suite rental privileges. Requests for reserved residence hall space and suite rental should be initiated through the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life and submitted to Housing and Food Services.
Upon receiving a request for reserved residence hall space and suite rental, the Assistant Vice President for Housing and Food Services and Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, in consultation with staff from the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, will determine when new space is available for sorority use.
When space becomes available, as determined by and at the sole discretion of Housing and Residence Life, the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life will be notified. The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life will work with the Panhellenic Council, the Multicultural Greek Council, and the National Pan-Hellenic Council to establish deadlines for sororities to submit a request for reserving residence hall space and suite space. There is no guarantee that floor or suite space will be available to all interested groups.
Prospective Member: a student actively and presently participating in membership recruitment or intake program
New Member: a student who has accepted a bid to the chapter, but has not yet been initiated into a sorority chapter within the current academic year
Initiated Member: a chapter member who is initiated prior to the academic school year
Floor Member: an initiated or new member who has accepted an HFS Contract through the sorority process for sorority chapter floor housing
Sorority Assistant: a member of the sorority, employed by Residence Life, who works in conjunction with the Housing Assignment Office regarding sorority chapter housing. The sorority assistant is responsible for the following tasks: educating sorority members about the housing process and timeline; submitting required information and room assignment lists to the Housing Assignment Office by the deadlines; updating sorority chapter members' eligibility for a sorority chapter floor HFS Contract; and reviewing any HFS Contract or room assignment issues. The sorority assistant is expected to discuss any issues with the Housing Assignment Office for resolution.
Space Allocation
The sorority chapter will give priority for assignment to sorority housing to chapter members in their first year of membership. The sorority chapter is responsible for filling any vacancy on the chapter floor that is created by a student who cancels for either the fall or spring portion of the HFS Contract; this vacancy must be filled with another member within the sorority chapter. Friends of members are not permitted to be assigned to the floor. At its sole discretion, the University reserves the right to use any vacant space for any purpose, including but not limited to the assignment of non-affiliated students.
Members who will be in their first-year of membership are eligible to receive a HFS Contract offer for sorority housing, based on space available. A student who has an eLiving restriction will not be eligible to receive an HFS Contract offer.
A Panhellenic Council sorority chapter must meet the following occupancy requirements:
The initial HFS Contract offer list will be submitted by the deadline for fall or spring semester housing, based on the LiveOn Housing Process timeline, and include valid students' information (name, PSU ID, etc.). Only students who meet the eligibility requirement should be on this list.
The sorority chapter must meet the occupancy requirement; if a student's HFS Contract is cancelled or a member disaffiliates and moves out of sorority housing and a vacancy becomes available, a student who is a chapter member and has an active HFS Contract can be reassigned to this vacancy.
Some sorority chapters will share a floor with other sorority chapters, whether due to the overall sorority chapter size, or if the sorority chapter did not meet the occupancy requirement.
The sorority assistant will be responsible for coordinating the housing process between the sorority members and the Housing Assignment Office.
Any student who has submitted and been approved for a Request for Reasonable Accommodation in Housing, as defined by the Americans with Disability Act (ADA), must be assigned appropriately. The sorority assistant must consult with the Housing Assignment Office to ensure that any housing accommodation required is fulfilled. If the student cannot be accommodated on the sorority floor, the student may be reassigned to another housing option.
The sorority assistant is required to reside in sorority housing during their term of office. Once the HFS Contract is accepted, the sorority assistant is responsible for, and obligated to, the entire term of the HFS Contract, regardless of the length of their term in office. If the term ends at the end of fall semester, the sorority assistant is still expected to reside on campus for spring semester to fulfill the HFS Contract obligation.
One sorority chapter executive board officer is required to reside on the sorority floor during their term of office. The officer can be one of the following positions: Chapter President; Chapter Vice President (i.e., an officer who serves if Chapter President is unable to); Chapter Standards Officer; Chapter Recruitment Officer; or Chapter New Member Educator. Once the HFS Contract is accepted, the sorority officer is responsible for, and obligated to, the entire term of the HFS Contract, regardless of the length of their term in office. If the term ends at the end of fall semester, the sorority officer is still expected to reside on campus for spring semester to fulfill the HFS Contract obligation.
The sorority assistant is responsible for identifying the eligible members to be considered for a sorority housing HFS Contract offer.
The Housing Assignment Office is responsible for completing room assignments for all sorority members who have accepted a sorority HFS Contract, based on the roster submitted by the sorority assistant.
Reserved housing space is restricted to areas where suite accommodations can be provided. If a designated suite space is not required by the chapter, the chapter may reserve other meeting space on campus as needed through the online reservations process.
A sorority member may conduct their own Direct Room Change with another sorority member as outlined in the general Terms, Conditions, and Regulations (TCRs) of the HFS Contract, once the room assignment is posted on eLiving in late July. A sorority HFS Contract cannot be exchanged with non-sorority, the exchange will only be permitted between sorority chapter members.
Sorority chapters are required to maintain their designated occupancy. When a vacancy occurs, the sorority will need to follow these steps:
If there is a vacancy, the chapter can use one of these options to fill the space:
Filling the vacancy on the sorority floor with a member or new member who has an active HFS Contract.
Offering a HFS Contract to a member currently living off campus, if permitted by the Housing Assignment Office.
If the sorority is unable to identify another chapter member to reside on the sorority floor, the Housing Assignment Office will assume responsibility for filling the vacancy. This may mean that sorority space will be consolidated and an independent student will be assigned.
Vacant spaces can be used at the sole discretion of the Housing Assignment Office as needed at any time.
The timeline for the sorority housing process will be determined during the fall semester and will identify the specific dates that sororities are required to submit information to the Housing Assignment Office for each academic year.
The sorority chapter is expected to submit complete and accurate information by the deadline date via email or an online document, as directed by the Housing Assignment Office.
Information submitted after the deadline date may not be accepted. Requests to cancel a sorority HFS Contract after the submittal deadline will not be honored.
If a student accepts a HFS Contract through the Blue Track LiveOn Housing Process, the sorority assistant can include their name on the roster for consideration to be reassigned to the chapter floor.
If a student is not eligible to participate in the LiveOn Housing Process, the student can add their name to the On-Campus Housing Waitlist in eLiving. There is no guarantee that a student on the Waitlist will receive an offer for a HFS Contract. All offers made from the Waitlist are for supplemental housing.
A sorority chapter is required to meet occupancy requirements as defined in the section D - "Requirements to Maintain Housing Space".
If a sorority chapter does not meet the occupancy requirements on the second Friday of classes, access to the sorority suite will be suspended.
Floor suites feature a card reader on the entry door. Chapters that have met the occupancy requirement that includes a dedicated suite will have access to the suite on their floor 24 hours/7 days a week. Sorority members will not have access to other suites in the building. Sorority chapter members who live in other on-campus housing options or live in off-campus housing are eligible to receive card access to the building and suite, per the Protocol for Non-Sorority Members. Doors to the suite are not permitted to be propped open.
Each chapter may, at their own discretion, purchase their own furniture and/or reupholster their own furniture (without University assistance or involvement) at dates convenient to the chapter. Chapters may furnish shelves, lamps, stereos, DVDs, pictures, personal computers, decorative screens, and planters. Items that are prohibited as outlined in the HFS Contract Terms, Conditions, and Regulations (TCRs) also apply to the suite. The University is not responsible for property belonging to the chapter. All chapters are strongly encouraged to carry insurance on their belongings. Maintenance of chapter owned equipment and furnishings is the responsibility and expense of the chapter.
Composite boards, stack shelving, pictures, mirrors, window treatments/window covering, or bulletin boards may be installed in the suite at the chapter’s expense by contacting the Housing Operations Office.
Upon dissolution of the chapter or permanent vacating of the suite, any items such as those above or others not specifically mentioned which have been introduced into the suite will be handled as followed:
Removed by the National Representatives, who are responsible for any expense incurred during removal of these items and/or repairing any damages caused by their removal. Removal of any of the introduced items while the sorority is continuing to occupy the suite shall be at the sorority’s expense.
Temporarily stored with proper Housing approval, not to exceed the length of one month unless approved by the University at its sole discretion.
If items are not removed by the deadline given to the chapter, items will become the property of the University. Should the University determine they are of value to the University, shall be regarded as a general gift from the student to the University.
University property, equipment, furniture or furnishings may not be removed from the chapter suites for use within residence halls or elsewhere, on or off campus.
Sorority chapters are not permitted to rent furniture or bring in additional furniture for special events.
Rearrangement of furniture within the chapter suites need not be approved by area Housing Office. However, heavy items owned by the University and used by the chapter shall be moved by Housing personnel to reduce the chance of damage or injury. Housing can assist the sorority with moving the furniture at the sorority’s expense. Chapters will make their own arrangements for moving all items owned by the chapter. Repair costs to fix any damage to University property as a result of moving furniture will be the responsibility of the sorority.
Chapter members are responsible for cleaning their suite, including removal of trash and recycling material from the suite to the designated areas. Failure to maintain the suite in satisfactory condition will result in cleaning charges. The area Housing Office should be notified of needed repairs and maintenance. Failure to notify Housing of needed repairs and maintenance needs may also result in damage charges. Housing Operations and Residence Life staff will perform regular inspections.
Painting and flooring replacements are authorized at University expense as part of the suite rental fee system as contained in the Chapter Suite Redecoration section.
At the end of spring semester, suites must be left in essentially the same condition as when occupied the preceding fall semester. This includes the removal of personal belongings, trash, paper, boxes, etc., and emptying and cleaning of the refrigerator. Personal belonging may not be stored in the suite or storage area during the summer months. The sorority president or the sorority assistant is responsible for scheduling a suite check-out with Housing at the end of the spring semester.
Exterior and Interior windows cannot be painted or covered, including the window next to the suite door. Visibility from the hallway into the suite needs to be maintained for safety and security reasons.
All sorority projects (i.e., Homecoming, Thon, recruitment) that involve painting or carpentry work must be done in an area designated by the area Housing Office. Such projects may not be done in the chapter suites, lounges, corridors or student rooms. Resulting damages and/or necessary clean-up will be charged to the chapter.
In accordance with University Policy AD32 Smoking and Tobacco Policy, the University is committed to a healthful environment for all members of the community. Smoking and the use of tobacco are prohibited in and on all University owned or leased properties, facilities, and vehicles. The use of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, vaping devices, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco, all nicotine delivery devices, and all other tobacco products is prohibited on campus, including University Housing and commons buildings. Marijuana of any kind, including medical marijuana, is not permitted to be used on University property.
Pets of any type, with the exception of one small tank that is not more than five (5) gallons (U.S.), are prohibited in University Housing. A student who has a need for a Service Animal or Emotional Support Animal is responsible for following the accommodations process.
Use of Lighted Candles in Sorority Suites:
If a sorority wishes to use lighted candles in a suite as part of an official ceremony, the sorority must get approval from the Director of Environmental Health and Safety. The area Assistant Director of Residence Life will be informed if the event is approved. If Environmental Health and Safety authorizes the sorority to have candles at an event in their residence suite, the group’s advisor must be present during the entire time the candles are lit. A fire extinguisher must be obtained from the area Housing office. At the end of the ceremony, the candles must be immediately extinguished and placed back in storage.
Candles may not be used, displayed, or stored in individual student rooms. Candles used for sorority ceremonies must be stored in chapter suites and may not be on display.
Suites are limited to use for everyday activities. Sorority chapters have the ability to reserve the meeting room in the building to conduct chapter events. The suites may not to be used for meetings, philanthropic events, or to house overnight guests. Use of the meeting room may be restricted if the sorority chapter has failed to meet the occupancy requirement.
Tape of any nature, nails, pins, tacks, and glue or paste may not be used to attach any item or decoration to the walls, columns, ceilings, woodwork, sprinklers or smoke detectors in chapter suites. The sorority chapter may request Housing Operations to hang wall hangings at the sorority chapter’s expense. Any damages incurred are the responsibility of the sorority chapter.
The sorority chapter may not replace light bulbs in any fixtures within the suite. Housing Operations must be contacted for replacement. Any lamps that the sorority chapter provides in the suite will be the responsibility of the sorority chapter to replace light bulbs. Decorative material must not be used on light fixtures.
Additional services required of the Housing Operation Staff and damages to equipment and furnishings will be charged to the sorority chapter. Regular hours for service personnel are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Work performed outside these regular hours will be charged at an appropriate overtime rate. Additional services requests must be submitted through the FixIt system.
Each suite offers a kitchen. Students must adhere to the following guidelines for using the kitchens:
The kitchen needs to be well-maintained and routinely cleaned.
Food items must be kept closed to prevent the attraction of insects. If insects are detected, the Housing Operations Office should be notified. Costs incurred for insect remediation due to unkempt conditions will be charged to the sorority.
Refrigerators should be routinely cleaned out to prevent spoilage and defrosted annually. At the end of spring semester, the contents of the refrigerator and freezer must be removed and cleaned, the freezer should be defrosted, and the refrigerator should remain plugged in.
In accordance with the HFS Contract Terms, Conditions, and Regulations (TCRs), the following appliances are NOT permitted in University Housing:
air fryers, hot plates, toasters, toaster ovens, instapots, quick pots, crock pots, pressurized rice cookers, torchier-style lighting (floor-standing lighting) with halogen lamps, immersion heaters, heating coils, space heaters, ceramic heaters, ovens, griddles, indoor or outdoor grills, personal microwaves or refrigerators, freezer units, fitness equipment (treadmills, trampolines, stationary bikes, etc.), 3D printers, pianos
personal or portable air conditioning units are not permitted in University Housing. If a student has a medical need for an air conditioning unit, the student must submit a Request for Reasonable Accommodation in Housing form.
personal dehumidifiers are not permitted in University Housing. If a dehumidifier is deemed necessary by the University, the University will install an approved unit.
personal camera devices (excluding cell phones) or other video/audio recording devices, per University Policy AD65 Electronic Security and Access Systems.
The use of Housing and Food Services facilities shall be in compliance with the rules and regulations which govern those facilities; including, but not limited to, the following:
Use of Housing facilities other than the suite must be scheduled in advance and registered with the area Residence Life Office.
The use of food service facilities must be scheduled in advance with the area Food Services office.
Each chapter will be held responsible for the conduct of members and guests when a sorority function or activity is held in Housing and Food Service facilities, and must properly identify guests when requested by University officials.
If the sorority chapter has opted for storage, the chapter will be provided a storage location within the Housing area and may use cabinets, shelving units, etc., in this storage area at their expense. No items can be attached to the building. The sorority chapter must abide by the following guidelines regarding the storage room:
Storage rooms need to be well-maintained, organized, and routinely cleaned.
Personal property may not be stored in either the storage room or suite.
Food items may not be stored.
Items may not be within 18” of the ceiling per fire safety regulations.
Storage rooms are subject to annual inspection by Housing Operations for maintenance and safety concerns.
Each storage room has an electronic combination lock, and the combination is changed on an annual basis or upon request by the sorority chapter.
Sorority chapter members who reside in other University housing buildings or off campus are eligible to receive card access privileges to the sorority chapter’s building.
Non-resident sorority members can request access through the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, who will submit the request to the Housing Access and Security Office.
The student will receive an email notification with a login link to Housing's Access Management System. The student must read and agree to the terms of the Key/Card Access Agreement.
The Housing Access and Security Office will then process the request and activate the student's access on their Penn State id+ Card. Building and suite access for non-floor chapter members is scheduled daily between 11:00am - 11:00pm. These hours may be adjusted at any time and at the sole discretion of The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, Residence Life, and/or Housing Operations without prior notice.
Non-resident sorority members are only permitted in the lobby, meeting rooms (for scheduled events), and sorority suite areas of the building, unless escorted by a building resident.
Sorority members who violate University housing regulations will have access privileges terminated.
Sorority identifications, such as signs, symbols, plaques, crescents, coat of arms, etc., shall not be displayed on the exterior of any University Housing building. No items may be attached to individual room doors, including permanent letters or other specific symbols.
Sorority chapters who live in University Housing may receive mail and packages at the Redifer Commons Desk. Mail and packages may only be picked up by the sorority president or designee.
Sorority chapter mail, including all types of packages, must be addressed to the sorority in care of the sorority president or designee who lives in sorority housing. Any mail or packages addressed to the sorority in care of a student not living in University housing may be returned to the sender.
The sorority chapter president or designee must present their Penn State id+ Card to receive mail and/or packages.
At the end of the spring semester, the sorority chapter president or designee should provide the commons desk a forwarding address for chapter mail received during the summer. Packages cannot be forwarded or stored.
Sorority chapter members and their guests must adhere to the Alcohol and Illegal Substances policy as outlined in the Terms, Conditions, and Regulations (TCRs) of the HFS Contract. Below are some non-exclusive excerpts from this policy; however, chapter members are required to read and adhere to the policy in its entirety:
The possession or use of alcohol beverages is prohibited in all Penn State on-campus undergraduate buildings, including residence rooms, common areas, and sorority suites, for students of any age.
It is a violation of state law and University policy for a student under 21 years of age to attempt to purchase, consume, possess, or transport alcoholic beverages. It is unlawful to sell, furnish, give, or permit alcoholic beverages to be sold, furnished, or given to a minor.
It is against residence hall policy for there to be any tailgating activities in the residential quad areas or residence hall parking lots where alcoholic beverages are being served on any football game/event weekend including all home football games, Football Eve, 4th Fest, Arts Festival, and the spring Blue and White Weekend. Students tailgating with alcoholic beverages in these defined areas may be confronted and charged with “open containers in an unauthorized area.”
Sorority chapter members will be held responsible for activities that occur in their rooms or suite, including if guests are violating any polices. Sorority members will be referred to Residence Life, Office of Student Accountability and Conflict Response (OSACR), and/or University Police
The following policies are applicable for decorating within the residence hall areas:
Glitter is not permitted for any occasion in any residence hall.
All decorating materials must be fireproof. Combustible items such as straw, corn stalks, reeds, sawdust, leaves, excelsior, and shavings may not be used for decorating within the residence halls. Decorations are subject to approval as defined by the General Rules for the use of University Buildings as Indicated by Provision of Fire and Panic Act (Commonwealth of Pennsylvania) and the operating regulations of the University.
Decorations may not be placed outside of residence halls.
Individual student decorations or signs may not be attached to individual room doors or to the outside of the residence halls.
Decorations may not be hung from windows, the faces of the residence halls, or attached to window screens. Screens may not be removed.
If sorority members decorate other students’ room doors, such as new recruits, decorations such as streamers, balloons, etc. may only be displayed for 24 hours. If the sorority member is entering another building to decorate a fellow member's door, escort policies must be followed. Any damage or cleaning required from decorations that are not removed by the end of 24 hours will be charged to the sorority.
Please refer to the decoration policies found in Policies and Regulations section of the Terms, Conditions, and Regulations (TCRs) of the HFS Contract. These policies include decoration policies for student rooms, student doors, windows, and holiday decorations.
No guest may be housed overnight in a chapter suite. Guests may be housed in student rooms according to the guest policy as outlined in the Policies and Regulations section of the Terms, Conditions, and Regulations (TCRs) of the HFS Contract.
A sorority member who is interested in disaffiliating from the sorority should discuss the process with the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life and the Housing Assignment Office. The disaffiliating member may choose to either remain assigned to sorority chapter floor or select another housing option for reassignment, based on space available, and with agreement with the sorority chapter.
If a sorority chapter fails to comply the Terms, Conditions, and Regulations contained in this document, the chapter will be referred to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.