Findlay Commons Desk

Commons Desks

On-campus residents enjoy the convenience of having mail and packages delivered to their housing area commons desk - thousands of packages and mail are delivered every month! Each housing area offers a Commons Desk, centrally located in the housing area's commons building, which is accessible 24 hours a day. The Commons Desks Operations also manages all students room access and temporary ID cards.

Each housing area has a Commons Desk Operation that is generally open 24 hours a day*, seven days a week, during the regular academic year. There may be some shifts where a Common Desk may close, but staff are accessible through a phone number that is posted at the desk. The Commons Desks are closed during University closedown periods. 

Services Provided

  • U.S. mail delivery and package delivery (including Penn State Bakery and flower deliveries). Learn more about Mail Services
  • Room assignment check-in/checkout
  • Room key pick-up/return
  • Fax machine service
  • Lost and found for commons building
  • CATABUS token purchase
  • General question and answers

Temporary id+ cards, room keys, or room access

Students can request a temporary id+ cardloaner room key, or a lockout card through eLiving > My Info > Loaner Key Request, then visit the Commons Desk to finish the transaction.

Loaner Equipment

The following loaner equipment can be requested through eLiving > My Info > Loaner Equipment Request, then visit the Commons Desk to finish the transaction. The availability of certain items will vary depending on the Housing Area. Items need to be returned within four (4) hours of checkout. 

  • Cleaning Kit 
  • Vacuum cleaner (regular or handheld)
  • Recreational equipment (football, basketball, soccer ball, volleyball, pool stick/pool set, baseball, softball, tennis racket, frisbee, spike ball, pickleball, air pump)
  • Toolkit (large tool kit, hand tool set, rubber mallet)

Find your Commons Desk


Findlay Commons Desk
814-863-5650 (fax)


Pollock Commons Desk
814-863-5649 (fax)

North Halls

Warnock Commons Desk
814-863-5647 (fax)

West Halls

Waring Commons Desk
814-863-5646 (fax)

South Halls

Redifer Commons Desk
814-863-5648 (fax)

Eastview Terrace

Redifer Commons Desk
814-863-5648 (fax)

Nittany Hall and Apartments

Pollock Commons Desk
814-863-5649 (fax)

White Course Apartments

Weston Community Center
814-865-6030 (fax)

Misplace something? We've got you covered. 

Anchor Destination

If a student temporary misplaces their room key, the student can submit a request through eLiving > My Info > Loaner Key Request and then finish the transaction at the Commons Desk.

The loaner key must be returned to the Commons Desk within two hours. If the key is returned late, the door lock will be changed and the student's LionPATH account will be billed. The cost is $64 per core (some room types, such as those in apartments and suites, have more than one door and will be charged for each lock that needs to be changed). Core changes are processed quickly to ensure the student's safety and security.

Anchor Destination

If a student loses or misplaces their Penn State id+ Card, the card can be immediately deactivated online. If the card is located within seven days, the card can then be reactivated online.

A temporary id card, which is valid for 24 hours, can be purchased for $5 at the Commons Desk. Student privileges that will be reassigned to the temporary card include access to the residence hall, Campus Meal Plan, and LionCash. The temporary card will automatically expire after the 24 hour period ends.

If a student cannot locate a missing card, a replacement one can be purchased at the id+ Office.

Contact Us

Commons Desk Operations

133 Johnston Commons
814-865-8218 phone
814-863-8877 fax  

Office Hours are Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ET